A Sunday Night with Sky
Our dear friend Sky, has quickly gained requests from our community. He is the founder of hathabased Sama Yoga, is back with his sweet and funny way of sharing his practices. Autumn brings in a renewed focus for routines and practices. In this class he brings Qi Gong, Mantras, Yoga Asanas and Ayurvedic wisdom together harmoniously.
A Sunday Night Special
There is something about Sunday Evening.
A mood that allows one to sink into life more deeply, it feels like a good time to stretch and dream. To float with music and the tune of your own heartbeat, soothed by the slow Yoga rhythms. This will be a class to recover energy and be rested and inspired for the days to come.
About Sky
”For 30 years my life has been dedicated to yoga practice and understanding. The best part of the journey has been teaching and sharing the jewels of yoga with others.”
Sky has spent his last 30 years studying Vedanta and is the founder of Samayoga. Don’t miss out on this very sweet teacher who shares yoga with humor, warmth and depth. Want to get to know Sky a little better? Listen to his story in our podcast Little Peace Talk.
WHEN: SUNDAY 24/4 19:00–21:30
Bokning av kurser eller workshops är bindande, och vi har tyvärr inte möjlighet att ge dig några pengar i retur om du ångrar dig. Detta undantaget vid sjukdom som kan styrkas med läkarintyg, eller om vi har flera personer på väntelista och kan ersätta din plats med någon annan. Du kan själv överlåta platsen till någon annan som har möjlighet att nyttja den i ditt ställe.