Deepen Your Physical Practice

In this workshop, we will take elements from a typical vinyasa class and explain them in depth. We will take a closer look at yogic tools such as Bandhas and Ujjayi breathing - how they are interrelated, and how to integrate them into your practice. And yes, heard you: an asana lab for standing postures and Chaturanga will be included as well. This will bring your regular practice in class to a whole new level!

On this Saturday afternoon we will look deeper into:

* Vinyasa - its meaning including a look into yogic philosophy

* How to breathe in Ujjayi breath

* Bandhas - their benefits and how to find and apply them during class

* Asana Technique: Standing Asanas, Downward facing dog and Chaturanga Dandasana 

* Bringing it all together in a newfound yogic flow.


ALEXANDRA BORN is an experienced Jivamukti Yoga teacher and very appreciated at Little Peace. A Romanian-German with a passion for France and a love for the Swedish countryside. Alex teaches with great knowledge in anatomy sprinkled with warmth and a good laugh.



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